20 – 24 JúL, 2025
Hotel Šachtička ***
BanskÁ Bystrica
Svetoví taneční lektori / Tanečné, Hudobné, Graffiti Workshopy
Stertching / Inšpiratívne diskusie / Premietanie filmov / bazénová párty / Skvelá atmosféra a viac
VŠetky vekové kategórie
Rozviň svoj talent naplno
Veríme, že dnešná mládež sú umelci a lídri zajtrajška. Preto s radosťou predstavujeme “Youth is the Future,” 5-dňový tréningový tábor zameraný na rozvoj talentu vo všetkých štyroch prvkoch hip-hopu. Ponor sa do sveta tanečných, graffiti, hudobných produkčných a DJ workshopov, inšpiratívnych diskusií, tematických filmových premietaní, uvoľňujúcich strečingových cvičení a pestrej palety zábavných aktivít. Tento tábor nie je len o tom, ako byť lepší v tom, čo robíš; je to cesta za sebapoznaním a rastom ako umelca i človeka. Uč sa priamo od svetovo uznávaných tanečníkov a umelcov, ktorí v tebe prebudia vášeň a nasmerujú ťa na tvojej umeleckej ceste. Navyše, spoznáš mladých ľudí z viac než 30 krajín a vytvoríš si medzinárodné priateľstvá a spojenia s podobne zmýšľajúcimi umelcami.
Pridaj sa k nám a nechaj svoj kreatívny plameň naplno rozhorieť.
Únik do horského prostredia
Priprav sa na jedinečný zážitok na tábore “Youth is the Future” v roku 2025, ktorý ťa zavedie do oázy pokoja v Hoteli Šachtička ***. Tento horský rezort, len 15 minút jazdy od Banskej Bystrice, ponúka úchvatné prostredie, kde sa bude odohrávať celý program tábora. Všetky aktivity prebiehajú priamo v areáli hotela, takže môžeš naplno využiť čas bez stresu, spoznávať ďalších účastníkov a stráviť čas s lektormi. Uži si pohodlie trojhviezdičkového ubytovania s bonusmi ako bazén, wellness, jacuzzi a bohaté športové možnosti – basketbal, bedminton, stolný tenis a ďalšie.
Priprav sa na neopakovateľné dobrodružstvo, ktoré ťa posunie ďalej!
Aktivity kempu
Dance Workshops
Elevate Your Craft
At the heart of the camp lie the Dance Workshops, the essence of artistic growth. Led by the world’s top dancers and influential figures, these workshops empower participants with new knowledge and skills, amplifying their dance performance and self-confidence. Join us and take your dance journey to the next level. A minimum of 7 Dance workshops will be included.
Music WorkshopS
Unleash Your Dance Potencial
In the world of dance, understanding music and musicality is paramount. Our camp offers two specialized Music Workshops led by the community’s foremost artists. Dive deep into DJing and its history, music production, sampling, digging, scratching, and beatboxing, gaining essential skills that will enrich your dance journey. Elevate your dance moves with a deeper connection to the rhythms that move us all.
Graffiti workshop
From Imagination to Canvas
Our Graffiti Workshop is your canvas for artistic expression. Led by experienced artists, this workshop allows you to explore your creativity and turn your imagination into vibrant visuals. Learn the art of graffiti, from techniques to storytelling through your art. Whether you’re a seasoned graffiti artist or a beginner, this workshop will leave you with new skills and a fresh perspective on the power of urban art.
Flexibility for Performance, Balance for Life
To support peak performance and overall well-being, our camp includes dedicated Stretching Sessions as an essential part of the program. Guided by experienced instructors, these sessions focus on flexibility, injury prevention, and muscle recovery, ensuring participants are physically prepared for the intensity of each day’s activities. Stretching not only enhances mobility and balance but also fosters mindfulness, helping you connect with your body and recharge. Embrace this vital practice to keep your energy high and your movements fluid throughout the camp experience.
Discussions & Seminars
Where Hip Hop Meets Wisdom & Soul
Our event values the power of discussions, where professional artists and attendees lead conversations on diverse topics within hip-hop culture. From exploring cultural diversity and social tolerance to promoting an active healthy lifestyle and mental health well-being, our discussions touch upon motivation, professionalism, success, and injury prevention. Our panelists, drawn from artists actively involved in other event activities, are community leaders with extensive experience, making each discussion a journey of wisdom and insight.
Movie screening
Hip Hop’s Visual Journey
To ignite a passion for learning, we’ll screen a hip-hop-themed documentary crafted by a member of our community. After the screening, a Q&A session will dive deeper into the topic, addressing any questions raised by the documentary. Join us for a visual exploration of hip-hop culture’s captivating narratives.
Crafting Connections, Embracing Tradition
Our program offers engaging Crafts Workshops designed to enrich the camp experience by immersing participants in creative skill-building and hands-on activities. Led by skilled artisans, these workshops introduce you to traditional Slovak folk arts, allowing you to explore the beauty of local crafts while learning new techniques. Whether it’s tinkering, wood or leather crafting, each workshop is an opportunity to connect with Slovakia’s rich cultural heritage, create something meaningful, and deepen your artistic journey. Embrace the chance to craft with heart and carry a piece of Slovak tradition with you.
Bonding Beyond the Dance Floor
At the „Youth is the Future“ Camp, we believe that the best memories are made when we come together not just as dancers but as a community. That’s why we’ve lined up a series of fun activities designed to unite participants, forge friendships, and provide moments of relaxation. Dive into the vibrant rhythm of a pool party, where laughter and joy flow freely. As the sun sets, our evening dance jams and parties ignite the night, offering the perfect backdrop to unwind and connect with fellow artists from around the world. It’s more than just dance; it’s an opportunity to create lasting bonds and unforgettable moments.
Every participant’s journey at YITF is filled with growth, creativity, and connection. To honor this experience, each attendee will be awarded a Certificate of Participation, marking the dedication and effort invested throughout the camp. This certificate is more than a keepsake; it signifies the artistic strides you’ve taken, the skills you’ve sharpened, and the connections you’ve made. Take it with you as a proud reminder of your YITF adventure and a celebration of the memories and milestones that have shaped your path forward.
We understand that every moment shared here is a memory to cherish. That’s why each camp participant will receive a special T-shirt, a tangible token of the unforgettable experiences and lasting friendships forged during our time together. This shirt is more than just fabric; it’s a symbol of your journey, a reminder of the people you’ve met, and the dances you’ve conquered. Wear your memories proudly and carry the spirit of YITF with you wherever you go.
Additional services
Accommodation OPTION 1: Hotel Šachtička ***
Hotel accommodation in triple rooms is available in the mountain resort Hotel Šachtička *** which is the venue for all camp’s activities. Located a 15 minutes drive away from Banská Bystrica.
Accommodation OPTION 2: HOSTEL #1
Hostel accommodation in double rooms (2+2 with shared bathroom) is available in Banská Bystrica with daily shuttle bus to the camp’s location for particpants staying at this Hostel.
Full board meal option includes 4x Dinner, 4x Breakfast, 4x Lunch, plus fruit & snacks during dance workshops. Normal or vegan (no diary, no meat) options available. All meals will be served at Hotel Šachtička. The camp venue is in a remote mountain location and does not offer any other food options.
Discounted tickets for TLB
All participants will get an option to buy The Legits Blast / Outbreak Europe tickets at a discounted price.
Wellness area access and massage can be booked at an extra charge at the spot.
Airport Shuttle Bus
Convenient shutlle bus from and to Vienna International Airport (VIE). Shuttle bus reservations will be available to book separately in 2025. Daily shuttle bus from the city to camp’s location will be provided fro Hostel #1 bookings.
Lineup / Lektori
Kemp- 20-24 júl
- 7x Tanečné workshopy
- 1x Graffiti workshop
- 1x Hudobný workshop
- Stretching
- Diskusie
- Premietanie filmu
- Pool Party
- YITF tričko
- Certifikát účasti
- Sprievodná osoba €70.00
- 1 lôžko v 3-lôžkovej izbe
- možnosť predĺženia 24-28 júl
- 1 lôžko v 2-lôžkovek izbe
- možnosť predĺženia 24-28 júl
- autobus na kemp
STRAVA- 20-24 júl
- Nutrične Vyvážená Strava
- 4x Večera + 4x raňajky + 4x obed
- normálna / vegánska diéta
- podávané na hotely
- (25-26 JÚL)
- (25-26 JÚL)
Poznámka: Ak ste rodič alebo sprievodná osoba mladistvého účastníka a chcete sa pripojiť k svojmu dieťaťu počas trvania kempu, je nutné zaplatiť platiť poplatok za neaktívnu účasť v hodnote 70€ . Do všetkých aktivít sa môžete zapojiť ako pasívny pozorovateľ a zdržiavať sa len na vo vyhradených priestoroch pre neaktívnych účastníkov. Všetky ostatné ponúkané služby (ubytovanie, strava atď.) si môžete objednať za rovnaké ceny ako pre aktívnych účastníkov. Registrovať rodiča, alebo sprievodnú osobu je možné cez registračný formulár (maximálne 2 sprievodné osoby na účastníka).
Registrácia na kemp
Rezervácia je záväzná. Na dokončenie registrácie je nutné zaplatiť zálohu za kemp. Platba možná platobnými kartami, cez bezpečnú platobnú bránu STRIPE.
Často kladené otázky
What is the required camp fee for non-active accompanying person?
The fee allows a non-active accompanying person to attend the camp activities as a pasive bystander. There will be a designated area for such persons at each camp location. YITF T-shirt included in the package.
What is the Qualification card and why is it required for all minor participants?
The Qualification Card (QC) serves as a permission of the legal guardian for his child to participate in the camp. Please make sure to provide all information in the document, including alergies and medical conditions of the participant.
Download, fill & email the QC Document.
Without this document on our record a minor participant will not be able to attend the camp.
We’ll be serving balanced, nutritious meals designed to support participants‘ performance, strength, and recovery. The menu will be thoughtfully crafted to ensure it meets the high nutritional needs of our camp activities, with a focus on wholesome ingredients and optimal energy for active days.
Which payment options are available?
An instant advance payment is required to complete the registration. To submit the registration you must complete the payment at the end of the registration form.
You can pay the advance payment with your DEBIT / CREDIT CARD. The payment is handled securely by STRIPE payments. The remaining amount can be paid in CASH ONLY at check-in.
Aftre the successfull completition of the advance payment you will receive a confirmation email with details of the registration.
Will there be an airport shuttle bus available for participants?
Yes we will offer a shuttle bus from Vienna International Airport (VIE) on Sunday, July 20 and several options back after THE LEGITS BLAST Festival is over – Sunday, July 27 and Monday, July 28.
HOW DO I GET FROM HOSTEL #1 located in the city to the camp's location?
All persons staying at Hostel #1 can use the shuttle service that will be provided daily. One ride to camp in the morning and one ride back in the eveninig after the camp’s activities finish. The service fee is included in the price of Hostel #1 accommodation.
Taxi service is another option and costs around 15 eur one way.
Discounts for groups of 10 or more participants.
If you are a group of 10 or more participants contact us directly at info@youthisthefuture.com.
Responsibility for minor participants.
All minor participants must be accompanied by an adult guardian. The organizer will provide a qualified adult person that will look after the minor participants during the camp’s duration. The organizer cannot be responsible for minor participants before check-in (JULY 20 18:00) at the Hotel or Hostel #1 and after the camp’s termination ( JULY 24 13:00). If the minor participant refuses to take part in the activities and wish to stay outside the locations of the activities he needs a written permission from parent or legal guardian.
Please print, fill out the the Qualification Card form and sign it as the legal guardian.
Email the scanned document to info@youthisthefuture.com and provide the original document upon check-in.
Camp's General Terms and Conditions of participation
Each participant, legal guardian and any other accompanying person must accept and comply with the General Terms & Conditions of the Camp. The organizer reserves the right to change these Terms & Conditions at any time.
O projekte
Youth is the Future / Mladí sú budúcnosť je tanečný projekt venovaný hip-hopovej kultúre a jej 4 elementom (Tanec, DJing, MCing, Graffiti). Hlavným cieľom podujatia je vzdelávať a podporovať tanečníkov na miestnej i medzinárodnej úrovni. Charakter podujatia umožní cezhraničné zdieľanie poznatkov a posilní medzinárodné vzťahy účastníkov a projektových partnerov z celého sveta.
V roku 2025 bude podujatie organizované ako 5-dňový kemp a program ponúkne, workshopy, diskusie, tanečné súťaže a vystúpenia.
Sledujte nás na Facebooku a na Instagrame.
Na projekte spolupracujú piati partneri z krajín V4:
The Legits, s.r.o (koordinátor projektu, Slovensko)
Mladí sú budúcnosť, n.o. (Slovensko)
Czech Breaking z.s. (Czech Republic)
Szolnok Breakdance and Extreme Sport Association (Maďarsko)
Catch The Flava Sp. z o.o (Poľsko)
Poltava Creative Youth Town Organization „Kolo Tebe“ (Ukraine)
Koordinátor projektu:
Ing. Miroslav Križan
The Legits, s.r.o., Ružová 3700/3, 97411 Banská Bystrica
Skuteckého 126/13, 97401 Banská Bystrica
IČO: 52100189
DIČ: 2120988771